Schneider Signaling Preventa XPS_ module XPSAK - Emergency stop - 110 V AC_ [XPSAK361144]
Industrial Automation / Signaling / Emergency Stop Module
This XPSAK safety module monitors emergency shutdown pushbuttons, limit switches, light curtains and safety mats/edges. It meets the requirements of Performance Level PL e/Category 4 conforming to standard EN/ISO 13849-1 and SILCL3 conforming to EN/IEC 61508 and EN/IEC 62061. It can be used for monitoring emergency stop circuits conforming to standards EN/ISO 13850 and EN/IEC 60204-1. It can also be used for electrical monitoring of switches activated by protection devices, with optional selection of synchronisation time between signals, monitoring of 4-wire sensing mats or edges. And monitoring of type 4 light curtains conforming to EN/IEC 61496-1 which have solid-state safety outputs with test function (light curtains XUSL). It is compatible with emergency push buttons, limit switches, safety light curtains and safety mats/edges, the 4 most common safety sensors in the industry. It has additional solid-state output for communication with PLCs about safety status of your process._ [XPSAK361144]